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Apply for Portugal Visa in Russia Portugal

The current visa processing time would be ranging from 45 day to 60 days. The visa center or the Embassy of Portugal will not be accepting any applications until the 15th of October 2024.

News & Notification

Due to the New Year and Christmas holidays, the Portugal Visa Application Centers (in Moscow and regions) will not accept applicants/deliver passport on the 31st of December 2021 and from January 01st to 09th 2022.


The Portuguese Embassy in Moscow will resume issuing short-term Schengen visas from the 28th of June. The BLS Visa Centre for Portugal in Moscow will gradually resume its operations from the same day, subject to prior appointment.

Applicants who were unable to use previously issued visas due to the pandemic, suspension of flights and closure of borders, as well as holders of previously issued Schengen visas with a duration of no less than two years, correctly used, are entitled to apply. Previously non-used paid visas will not be double charged: in such cases, the costs for applicants are limited to the rate in force at the Visa Centre.

The Embassy clarifies that the resumption of visa issuance that has now been decided does not automatically guarantee its holders the right to travel to Portugal. Such authorization is limited to applicants whose purpose of travel falls within the categories of essential travels: for humanitarian, business, educational or public interest reasons. Signing a written commitment to this effect will be required.

The BLS Visa Centre for Portugal in Moscow will start operating from next Monday, June 28th, every working day, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. The current decision also applies to the other regional BLS Visa Centers in Russian Federation currently in operation

  • St. Petersburg
  • Kazan
  • Samara
  • Yekaterinburg
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Roston-on-Don
  • Novosibirsk

Accept Visa applications of Russian citizen or legal residents in these counties for the following visa categories under the Embassy of Portugal in Russian Federation

  • humanitarian reasons (health issues/medical, visit to a direct family for support if there is no one else)
  • professional reasons (business travel, business delegation, high performance athletes, cultural or scientific purposes, NGOs staff).

As operations at the Visa Application Center for Portugal in St. Petersburg, you are kindly asked to adhere to the highest standards of health and safety based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization and local health authorities: you will need to self-disclose COVID-19 symptoms, to undergo temperature screening at the entrance of the VAC using non-contact equipment, to wear appropriate mask and gloves. You will be checked contactless by the security service of the VAC. In case you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please, DO NOT visit our VAC. Applicants without mask and gloves and applicants with a temperature rise above 37 degrees will not be allowed to enter the premises. As the VAC cannot be crowded, you may be asked to wait outside the VAC. While waiting inside, please keep social distance of 1.5 - 2 meters. Only one person will be authorized for each 8 m². Limited number of customers will be permitted inside the Centre.

Please be informed that your appointment slot will be rescheduled to a later date in case you have any COVID-19 symptoms. We suggest you to prepare your application and all necessary documents in advance to avoid waiting time at the VAC.

Protecting the health of applicants and our employees during these times is of utmost importance. We are following the recommendations of the Health and Governmental authorities and have put in place best practices to minimize the possible exposure of applicants and employees. For these reasons, applicants are requested not to come twice to our premises; your passports can be returned via courier service at a minimal cost.

For any clarification or appointment request, the BLS Visa Centre for Portugal in Moscow can be contacted through the email

Acreditações de OT
A Secção Consular da Embaixada de Portugal em Moscovo informa que foi estabelecido o prazo de 15.01.2020 e até 30.04.2020 para apresentação de solicitações de acreditação de Operadores Turísticos (OT). Unicamente se aceitarão as solicitações de OT devidamente registados em Rosturizm com direito a operar no mercado internacional. O prazo máximo de decisão será de 1 mês a partir da data de receção da solicitação de acreditação.

As solicitações deverão ser entregues diretamente pelos OT interessados, sem intermediários, na Secção Consular da Embaixada de Portugal em Moscovo.

As mesmas têm que conter a informação detalhada sobre a atividade da empresa.

A lista de documentos a apresentar deverá ser solicitada através do seguinte endereço de correio eletrónico:

Restrições ao atendimento na Secção Consular

A partir de 17 de março, o atendimento ao público na Secção Consular da Embaixada de Portugal em Moscovo estará suspenso. Apenas serão atendidos os casos urgentes e inadiáveis, com marcação prévia para o efeito.

Permanecerá disponível o atendimento telefónico regular, através do número +7(495) 981 34 14, bem como o telefone de emergência consular – unicamente destinado a cidadãos portugueses na Rússia com necessidade de apoio ou orientação – através do número +7 (965) 348 13 28.

Para mais informações consulte o site da Embaixada de Portugal em Moscovo:

COVID19 avisos relevantes

Dear Customers,
Please be informed that from 10th of March onwards, Portugal operations will be moved to the new visa External Service Provider of the Embassy of Portugal in Moscow, BLS International, situated at: Lubyanskiy proezd, 15, bld. 2, entrance 4, Business Centre “Lubyanskiy”, ground floor, Moscow, postal code: 101000, Metro station: Kitay-Gorod, exit 7, hence:

Last day for acceptance of applications in VFS Centers in the regions will be 28th February 2020. From this date, submission is still possible in Moscow VAC only until 6th of March 2020, at 12pm.

Pass back in regions will be available until 3rd March 2020, in Moscow until the 6th March 2020, at 12pm.

Helpdesk number will remain available until 6th of March 2020.

16 January 2020
Increased fees for visa applications
Please note: As of 02 February 2020, the Schengen visa fee per person (Short Stay Visa) will increase from 60 to 80 euros or the equivalent amount in your local currency. For children between 6-12 years old the visa fee will increase to 40 euros or equivalent

This fee change is not applicable to below nationalities
o Russia
o Georgia
o Serbia
o Bosnia and Herzegovina
o Montenegro
o Macedonia
o Armenia
o Albania
o Ukraine
o Moldova
o Azerbaijan

14 January 2020
Accreditation of TO
The Consular Section of the Embassy of Portugal in Moscow hereby informs that the deadline for the submission of accreditation requests from Tour Operators (TO) runs between 15 January 2020 and 30 April 2020. Only TO requests duly registered in Rosturizm entitled to operate in the international market will be accepted. The maximum period of decision will be of one month starting from the date of the accreditation request.

Requests must be delivered directly by the interested TO, without intermediaries, in the Consular Section of the Embassy of Portugal in Moscow. Detailed information about the company’s activity must be provided.

The full list of documents to be delivered can be requested through the following e-mail: